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Exclusive 4-BR Rentals in Executive Paradise: Luxury Living in Jakarta

Nestled in the exclusive Executive Paradise Complex in Jakarta, the high-end 4-bedroom townhouses for rent present an exceptional living experience for those who desire the flawless fusion of refinement, coziness, and convenience. These thoughtfully designed townhouses are placed across two levels and feature a variety of elements that position them a great option for groups and tenants looking for wide and upscale living in the heart of the city.

The townhouses are available for rent with an private and comfortable configuration, supplying 3 to 4 sleeping areas. This distinct property merges the appeal and intimacy of a independent house with the high-end quality and amenities of a exclusive residential project. Internally, the generous interiors are created for supreme ease, while the adjacent locale provides families with a calm and protected place to live.

The Executive Paradise Community is one of the biggest secure housing estates in Jakarta, devoted entirely to premium commercial residences. This shielded and serene setting provides residents connection to a selection of first-rate features that elevate the lifestyle quality. From fitness centers to aquatic centers, inhabitants can enjoy an exceptional level of convenience and entertainment.

Some of the exceptional features available in the development include a little ones' pool, tennis area, squash facility, recreation areas for children, a selection of refreshments offerings, round-the-clock safety, and an clubhouse. These options confirm that all elements of living at Executive Paradise is tailored for luxury and leisure.

With a superb location, Executive Paradise grants families direct admission to vital resources and significant sites. Just minutes away from major routes such as the Toll JORR Tb Simatupang Gate Cilandak-Fatmawati, this high-end spot provides seamless connectivity to a variety of medical care establishments, including the SOS International, Pondok Indah Clinic, and Brawijaya Women's and Children's Hospital.

For parents with children, the townhouses are located near several renowned international schools, making it a ideal decision for those seeking a premium standard of schooling for their offspring. Jakarta Japanese School, British School of Jakarta, Lycee Francais Education Center, and other well-established academies are in close proximity to the complex.

With a agreement span starting from a minimum of two calendar years, the residences are offered at a reasonable fee of USD 4200 per month, leaving out VAT. 100% furnishings provided and prepared to move in, these dwellings give a luxurious, shielded, and easy-to-reach living environment, rendering them an optimal option for individuals and groups looking to improve their lifestyle in Jakarta.